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Thursday, November 28, 2013

Plasma NM

Plasma NM

SHA256Sum: dce8d080256f1c2a6b70d61cb46e623839f6c0a0f260a6901d9ad68746ce7dfc

Diffferently from what I wrote in Plasma NM release notes this version supports NetworkManager 0.9.6.x and 0.9.8.x as requested by some users. However, this version still requires NetworkManager 0.9.8 for connection activation error notification to work properly. If you use it with NetworkManager 0.9.6.x do not report bugs regarding Plasma NM's notifications. You can still disabling them if they do not work properly for you.


299863: Fix crash when adding WPA2 Enterprise connections.
. Re-add support to NetworkManager 0.9.6.x.
. Add IPv6 information into connection details.
324880: Fix signal quality and access technology updating for 3G connections.
. Small optimization: disable updating traffic plotter if popup is closed.

The following languages have more than 80% of strings translated:

bs ca cs da de el es et fi fr gl hu ia it kk km ko lt nb nds nl pl pt pt_BR ro ru sk sl sr sr@ijekavian sr@ijekavianlatin sr@latin sv tr uk zh_CN zh_TW

Also read some very usefull information about how to use and avoid problems when using Plasma NM in my past posts page.

Thursday, November 21, 2013

NetworkManagerQt Released

For those interested in programming with NetworkManager using Qt here is the lastest NetworkManagerQt library. This new version supports NetworkManager 0.9.8 and is the backend used by the new Plasma NM applet.

ModemManagerQt 1.0.0 Released

ModemManagerQt is a Qt library to talking to ModemManager using dbus. Today I am glad to release the third version version of this library. The main difference here is the support to ModemManager from 0.8 up to 1.0.

One of the cool uses of ModemManagerQt is the SMS sending/receiving support in KDE Telepathy.

Get the source code here.

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Plasma NM: very important (old) news

Hi guys. Just to keep it clear: since the release of the new Plasma NM applet (version 0.9.3) the networkmanagement repository is mostly deprecated. Only NM/0.9 branch has any use (for now). That branch holds the old stable Plasma NM 0.9.0.x version. The one that I release from time to time since October 2011.

Unless you have a patch to fix one of bugs in the old Plasma NM 0.9.0.x you should use plasma-nm repository instead of networkmanagement. There is even a frameworks branch in plasma-nm, so it already works with frameworks5, which networkmanagement does not.